Where is Szeto Now?

See where is Gary Szeto now on his journey!

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Hi All!

I officially begin my journey on the PCT April 3rd! Most of you know that I’ve been planning this trip for years so you’ll understand how much it means to me that I’ll be on the trail in just two short days. I’ve been asked a lot of questions about the trip so I’ve consolidated them into a set of FAQs below:

What is the PCT?

The PCT is the Pacific Crest Trail… not Pacific Coast Trail. It is a national scenic trail running continuously between the Mexican and Canadian borders, through California, Oregon, and Washington.

Where do you start?

I’m hiking northbound (NOBO), starting at the Mexican border in a town called Campo, CA and heading north towards Manning Park, BC in Canada. A small percentage of hikers do go southbound (SOBO), but they start later in the summer.

Where do you get water?

I filter water from streams, lakes, troughs, spigots, and bathrooms or purchase it.

Are you carrying all your food with you?

My resupply strategy (food and consumables like fuel) consists primarily of purchasing goods at towns along the trail, supplemented by resupply packages picked up at local post offices. I plan to resupply every 4-5 days, with a few longer 6-10 day stretches (trail-dependent).

How long will it take?

I estimate it will take me 5-6 months to complete (fingers crossed) at an average of 20 miles per day.

Are you doing it alone?

Yes, but it’s a very popular trail with a competitive permit process. I will not be alone.


Why not?!


How long is the trail?


Feet of Climbing

Feet of Descending

Overall Change of Feet

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